9 Νοεμβρίου 2015

Rebel Galaxy Short Strategy Guide

Getting blown to pieces regularly my fellow space adventurer? Worry not. Sneaky Peter to the rescue!
Being the sneaky b*!*rd that I am, well go down the long range sniping route mostly: 

Buy long range equipment
Buy the proton cannons as your broadsides and upgrade them whenever you get the chance. Then buy and upgrade a null-grav booster. These are very basic to thus strategy.

Then go for pulse turrets and complement those with an HS missile launcher as your secondary.
Finally sunny forget to upgrade defenses and engines whenever possible. 

Circle around the battlefield and isolate enemies
Pulse-scan the combat field often and always stay on its outskirts. Circle around until an enemy is within range and try taking them out while boosting away from the battlefield.
Keeping a fair distance between yourself and an enemy usual makes them move in a straight line and your broadsides should make short work of fighters. The Null-grav booster helps a lot here. 

Dealing with tough enemies
First of all get rid of any supporting cast a tough enemy has by using the aforementioned strategy. Then close in on the tough just in range of your broadsides.
If he can't attack you from that distance, lovely. Just keep firing while keeping your distance, while deflecting any torpedos that come your way. If there's lots of torpedos, you can either turn the other cheek to absorb the blow our outrun them.
If he can hit you though and his attacks are really powerful, it's time to get aggressive: 

The tactician way
Boost around him until you are close enough behind him, that he can't use his broadsides against you no matter how he turns. Then unleash your turrets, switching to broadsides only for the brief periods your turrets need to cool down, and hammer away at his back. 

The kamikaze way
Feeling adventurous or want quicker results? Fly straight into the side of his ship firing your turrets along the way until you reach him. Don't worry much about your front shields, because as soon as you reach him you're going to turn and stick your broadsides to his and button mash the firing button. If your shields go down use your deflectors and if those run out as well, try boosting a little bit ahead of his broadsides angular range until your defenses come back up.
There you have it my sneaky friends, now go snipe them space pirates to pieces!

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