The selected cartoons appeared first in other publications, either in print or online, or on social media, after the death of 46-year-old African-American George Floyd. Floyd died after an officer used his knee to pin his neck down. Protests flared across Minneapolis, against racism and police brutality following Floyd’s death.
May 31, 2020
my @independent @IndyVoices cartoon for tomorrow. The comedy politician and narcissistic orange bell-end that is #DonaldTrump 4 more years!! #ICantBreathe #riots2020 #Election2020 #BlackLivesMatterUK
May 29, 2020
May 31, 2020
the US: We don’t stand with the people, we stand on their necks! #GeorgeFloydProtests
@realDonaldTrump shame on you!#ICantBreathe
Carlos Latuff @LatuffCartoons
May 31, 2020
Selective outrage! As usual, the mainstream media in the U.S. is more concerned about properties destroyed than lives destroyed. #BLACK_LIVES_MATTERS #protests2020 #WeAreTired
أنس ||| Anas @anasaqeel_
May 28, 2020
This is the US! Caricature by: tomato cartoon #GeorgeFloyd #Minneapolis #BlackLivesMatter #icantbreathe #racism
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