7 Ιουλίου 2015

Juncker: “I will ask Tsipras to explain the Greek vote”

tovima.gr/en Tuesday, July 07, 2015 

The President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker has taken the stand at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, where he explained how he has a political responsibility for Europe and the need for an agreement with Greece.

Mr. Juncker told the European Parliament that the result of the referendum in Greece must be clarified, as Greek voters said ‘No’ to a document that is no longer on the table, which he also claimed did not reflect the text debated in the negotiations. He added that he is against a ‘Grexit’, noting that the role of the European Commission is to come to a compromise.

The European Commission accused Greek authorities of braking off talks and complained about statements from the former Greek Minister of Finances Yanis Varoufakis, who accused the EC of “terrorizing” the Greek government. Mr. Juncker further noted that the negotiations will continue, with respect to the vote of the Greek people, adding that the ball is in Greece’s court. 

Source: www.tovima.gr/en
Juncker: “I will ask Tsipras to explain the Greek vote”

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